Rovereto - Museo della Guerra

War Museum

The Museum was conceived in 1919 by a group of citizens from Rovereto to remember the recently concluded conflict, which had brought Trentino to Italy. It was inaugurated by Vittorio Emanuele III on October 12, 1921.
During the war Rovereto had been evacuated, bombed and hit by serious losses; the city became a symbol of the “war of redemption” and the Museum a “place of memory”, to which documents and relics offered by citizens, ex-combatants and institutions flowed in large quantities.
In the following decades, the Museum extended its interest to other conflicts: from the modern age to the colonial wars, to the Second World War. The Museum exhibited arms and uniforms, photographs and paintings, documents and memorabilia. It proposes temporary exhibitions, promotes studies and research, takes care of the publication of historiographic and documentary works, participates in cinematographic productions.
The Museum is located in the fifteenth century castle of Rovereto, which can be accessed from via Castelbarco. At the end of a long corridor leads into the courtyard, where a deep siege well opens up. From the top of the stands you can admire a wide panorama of the city and the valley. The exhibition is structured on different floors of the Castle, while the section “The artillery of the Great War” is located in the air raid shelter excavated during the Second World War del Castello, accessible from Piazza Podestà.


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